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5000genomi@VdA on Hashtag in estate!

This summer, the 5000genomi@VdA Project is ON AIR!

Every Thursday, from 8 July to 12 August, from 2.30 p.m. to 3 p.m., we will be guests in the programme “Hashtag in estate” on Radio Proposta InBlu, hosted by Fabiola Megna.

Over the next six weeks, CMP3VdA researchers and delegates for the Project partners will describe curiosities and anecdotes from the world of genomic research, DNA and what it is like working day to day on big data! Here are the guests in the upcoming episodes…

8 July: Dr Sara Trova, Junior Researcher at 5000genomi@VdA, in “The ABC of sequencing: what does working with DNA really mean?

15 July: Dr Alessandro Coppe, Senior researcher at 5000genomi@VdA, in “Working with big data: what is it and how is it performed?

22 July: Dr Giuseppe Sajeva, Director of R&D Business Development at the Engineering group, in “Data security and privacy protection

29 July: Prof. Antonio Amoroso, Ordinary Professor of Medical Genetics at the University of Turin, regional coordinator and director of the Regional Transplant Centre for the Region of Piedmont and the Aosta Valley, at the A.O.U. City of Health and Science, Turin, in “Transplant genomics

5 August: Dr Chiara Salvemini, researcher at the Astronomical Observatory of the Aosta Valley, “From stars to genome: studying complexity in the laboratory

12 August: the final episode that will include some exciting news! 



Hashtag 12/8/2021
Hashtag 5/8/2021
Hashtag 29/7/2021
Hashtag 22/7/2021
Hashtag 15/7/2021
Hashtag 8/7/2021 - Pt.2
Hashtag 8/7/2021 - Pt.1



logo radio proposta in blu



Italian health uthorization n.7194 from 26/11/2021

Italian health accreditation n. 7137 from 22/11/2023
